In this internet-driven world, keeping your data and information should be the utmost priority. As hackers and intruders keep looking out for opportunities to get access to your data and information, you should always be alert as with whom you share your information and which websites you visit. Though you can keep your online information protected up to a certain extent by yourself, to keep your account all around protected, you will need to take additional support by installing an Antivirus. When it comes to antivirus, Comodo is one of the first names that come to mind. Comodo is not only known for offering fast and smart security products but also for offering reliable Comodo customer support service.
From Windows, Mac, Linux, to Android, Browser and Cloud antivirus, Comodo security products are available for all major operating systems. The variety of products and excellent Comodo customer support service has made the company one of the best Antivirus providers in the industry.
Common Issues with Comodo Antivirus
While Comodo Antivirus programs are reliable and efficient, there are certain issues that you may find in them one or the other time. Some of the common issues with Comodo Antivirus are listed below.
1.) Error occurs when installing the Comodo Antivirus on the computer or mobile device.
2.) Unable to update the antivirus program to the latest version.
3.) Unable to renew the subscription.
4.) The computer is performing slowly since the installation of Comodo Antivirus.
5.) Unable to install the application on mobile device.
6.) Unable to schedule an automatic scan.
7.) Getting severe graphical issues on the computer.
8.) Problems started occurring after updating the antivirus program to the latest version.
9.) Unable to uninstall and re-install Comodo Antivirus program.
10.) Comodo Firewall not working in Windows 10.
So, these are the most common issues that you may face in your Comodo antivirus program. While these issues are easy to fix, you can also seek assistance from Comodo customer support whenever you are unable to overcome any problem.
Why you need Comodo antivirus support service?
Hiring Comodo customer service is recommended when you have any problem or query related to any Comodo product. The Comodo customer support team comprises official experts who would be able to cater your requirement in the best possible manner. The experts here are prompt enough to respond to all your queries and issues quickly and efficiently. To know how to get assistance from Comodo Customer support, go through the information provided below.
How to Contact Comodo antivirus support service?
Getting assistance from Comodo Support Service team is quite easy. Just choose any of the following customer support service options and get instant assistance for all your Comodo antivirus issues and queries. Following are the Comodo support options you can choose from as per your requirement.
Contact Us –
Phone Numbers:
- Paid Products
- Comodo’s Digital Certificate Products: +1 (888) 266-6361 (US), +1 (703) 581- 6361 (International)
- Comodo’s Consumer Security Products: +1 (877) 712-1309
Submit a Support Ticket:
Comodo Forums:
For Sales and General Queries:
So, these are the Comodo antivirus support service options you can use to get assistance for any issue or queries related to your Comodo products. For more information on Comodo security products and solutions, visit